Get help after a stroke
A stroke changes your life. If you had a stroke and grieve the loss of function, or if your loved one had a stroke and you are a caregiver, you should know that you can get help. Help to recover better and help to make life after a stroke easier.
Free eBook for stroke patients
with multimedia content
Check if NeuroAiD™II can help recovery and you will receive this eBook for free

A Stroke eBook written by neurologists in a language that is easy to understand for readers without medical training:
- Understand Stroke
- Prevent another Stroke
- Know about therapies and recovery
- Cope with Stroke as a victim or as a caregiver
And much more !
NeuroAiD™II and your recovery
NeuroAiD™II is a recovery stimulator dedicated to support neurological functions*.
Watch this short video to learn more.

* This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
Disclaimer: Products effects of recovery vary among individuals